May 2

May 3

May 4

To ensure your spots for certain events, please sign up!p!

May 4 | all day

Motion on Screen

A sweet corner where you can watch dance films and interviews from artists who are active in the city. Put on the headset and immerse yourself!

Motion on Screen

May 4 | 12.30 - 13.30


Work up your heart rate with Majon van der Schot at our last workshop of Tilburg in Motion 2024. Release your mind as you let your body loose! (Age 16+)

Table on Tracks

May 4 | 14.00 - 16.00

Panel Discussion

Since our mission is to contribute to the development of Tilburgs dance scene we arranged for a conversation, to shape our future together! For this, we invited prominent figures from city’s art scene. It's thé conversation to gain inspiration and to ask all your questions. Grab a cup of coffee, join us and share your thoughts!


    • Annemijn Rijk from Body of Art

    • Guilherme Miotto from Corpo Máquina Society

    • Chilton Galimo from D-crew

    • Ida Osten, a current dance student at Fontys

    The host and our beloved team member, Dagmar van Dijk!