Afterm0vie 2024
Our programme consisted of a wide range of different performances that took place throughout the entire building of LocHal. All performances were created by different national and international artists that came together in Tilburg. Think of established makers in the city, to students who were looking for a stage, to dancers from the street- and clubstyle scene that were experimenting with the contexts of their styles, to makers from everywhere that came across our Open Call, from Amsterdam to Valencia. These makers and dancers brought inspiration, knowledge, and new perspectives.
During the programme there were workshops in various styles, to give participants a taste of how rich the dance scene is and what it has to offer. Everyone was welcome to participate, regardless of experience or background. This way, everyone could discover the power and joy of movement!
Open Style Battle
In our Open Style Battle everyone was welcome to participate. We adjusted the classic concept of a battle to our mission: to connect and uplift, instead of compete with each other. Therefore, there was a party preselection, and the battles were judged on the capacity of the dancers to collaborate, by judges from different cultural and stylistic backgrounds.
Panel Discussion
To think along about the future of dance in the city, and to enhance cultural entrepreneurship, we organised a panel discussion. By provoking to ask questions and to question the status quo, we make space for a.o. young artists to develop a mind of their own and help them develop in this, as they have the opportunity to share this with experienced, established makers.
Playground Unleashed
During our Playground Unleashed, everyone was invited to add something to this open jam, based on the concept of instant composition. On the spot, compositions were created collectively through dance and other artistic expressions, such as music.
A special thank you to Our cOllabOratOrs for 2024
A big shOut Out to Our talented phOtOgraphers and VideOgrapher
Adrianna Krupa (IG: adrianna.gabrielalala)
Michal Ostry (IG: ostry_photo)
Maren van Cauwenberge (IG:marenvanc)
Noah Strik (IG: noah_strik)